Monday, 5 August 2013

Detoxing your mind during Ramadhan~

Dear blog,

Sorry for the long hiatus. I've been extremely busy with life.

Wanted to write my summer in Japan experience but that'll have to wait until my next holiday since work is taking a tow on me and whenever I get home, I don't even feel like touching my laptop again :(

Life has been an emotional turmoil for me lately too, maybe because I fail to set things straight and remind myself that things happen for a reason for quite some time, and it might even be the hormones :p.

For those who knows me, then they'll know that this is usually not me...  I have gone through quite many heartbreaking incidents in life without forgetting to stay positive, but I do have moments where I drown myself in grieve and let the anger burns me out sometimes. <--Not a good thing to do, I know!

Anyway, in the spirit of Ramadhan I would like to share a very suitable article I've found that helped made me realized that we do need to make time for emotional detox sometime and apart from cleaning up your houses for the upcoming Syawal, we also need to take time to reflect and clean up our minds from negative thoughts.

Found a new interesting article writer named Haleh Banani. You can read her article and profile in the link below to better guide yourself should you are in the same situation as me.

I do hope we'll have a great Ramadhan with only a couple of days left.


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